20 APCA Bucket List Items to Check off at your next APCA Conference

20 APCA Bucket List Items to Check off at your next APCA Conference

Are you heading to an APCA conference this year? Neon Entertainment is and we came up with a list of 20 things you have to do at your next APCA conference!

1. Attend showcases

2. Participate in the conference kick off

3. Stop by every booth in the Exhibit Hall

4. Have fun at the event

5. Wear your APCA conference t-shirt

6. Meet new student programmer friends

7. Sing along at late night jam

8. Take notes during the ed sessions you attend

9. Yell out “APCA BABY!”

10. Introduce yourself to the APCA conference team

11. Participate in APCA cooperative buying

12. Post on your social media using the APCA hashtag

13. Fill out the Student Session Stamp Sheet and enter to win a gift card

14. Check out the featured roving artists

15. Show off your service and participate in an APCA serves community service project.

16. Share a piece of your university’s swag with another school

17. Sit in the front row during an ed session

18. Start a booking conversation with another school to save money

19. Attend Purposeful programming

20. Meet for coffee with an agent

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