What to Do | 5 Steps to Hire a Speaker for Your College

What to Do | 5 Steps to Hire a Speaker for Your College

Neon Entertainment is here to help you find the perfect professional college speaker for your university. Hiring a professional college speaker for a university can seem like a daunting task — especially if you’re new to the role.  Even if this is not your first time, it may have been a semester or two since you last took a swing at the plate. Or maybe, you are looking for someone new to add a twist to your orientation or are looking for a specific topic that you’ve never booked. We have some tips to give you a head start to ensure you book the talent that will keep your audience checking the calendar for what’s next on the schedule.

What Topic Are You Looking For?

Check the Speakers page on the Neon Entertainment website for different genres of speakers. Inquire about an artist from their page or email an agent with the topic or specific artist you are looking for. From Awareness Topics to Orientation and Leadership, Neon has a wide variety of speakers to choose from that cater to the specific audience you are planning to have.

Budget Planning

Neon Entertainment provides many options for your budget! Several speakers on the roster cover multiple topics which gives you the ability to book one speaker and cover two separate topics in the same day. Or one-stop-shop and book a speaker who can attend your campus multiple times throughout the semester and present a numerous amount of topics. With this many options, Neon offers the most for your budget.

Conduct Some Background Research/Homework

Neon provides several tools to help you choose what speaker is best for your event and campus. Each speaker has a video located right on their individual page on Neon’s website as well as references from other universities. Neon offers these tools to help you with your research so feel free to use them! Other tools such as Neon Entertainment’s You Tube page and social media accounts are filled with photos from performances, quotes from school’s, different ways campuses have marketed the artists for their event and current trends in the college market and world.

Survey Your Target Demographic(s)

Take a moment and see what trends are happening around your university, as well as what topics are necessary to cover for your specific campus. Could Title IX be a good fit? Would an Alcohol Awareness topic gratify a student body around a certain time of the year? Or maybe kicking off your semester with a hilarious but motivational speaker would be a great way to start a student’s college experience? Think about your audience and plan accordingly so that the students leave with the best possible message and take away the experience you are hoping for.

The Big Day

Neon Entertainment prepares you for every detail! By now Neon has exchanged the day of contact information on campus and the artist cell phone number for great communication and arrival time updates. Neon fills the artist in on location and prepares their speakers to arrive around an hour before the performance time to sound check and get ready for the show. Enjoy the show!

A speaker that holds your audience’s attention will not only create the bedrock for a successful engagement, but give notice to an audience that your events are the place to be moving forward. The more you plan — the better your results will be, and going into the process with a plan of attack will save you time, money and headaches. If you are looking for a college speaker that will capture widespread attention, share their experience, and specialize on a topic that is perfect for your audience, Neon Entertainment is happy to help you find your next professional speaker!