5 Steps to a Successful Coffee House Show

5 Steps to a Successful Coffee House Show

One way you can make your next college event one that nobody will want to miss is to incorporate multiple acts. We offer special packages that allow you to choose a few different musicians for booking. In the age of the music festival, who doesn’t like knowing there’ll be multiple acts? We wanted to go over how easy it is to book a coffee house show for your next event..

Step 1: Pick your Package: The choice is yours, pick your favorite 2 or 3 artists and book them today! Choose from our roster of award winning musicians and sample some of their music on their pages.

Step 2: Pick your Dates: Choose the date of your coffee house show. Heads up, it doesn’t actually have to be held in a coffee house! Have a location and a list of dates that you’re interested in and contact one of our agents with the information and they will help you through the process, step-by-step. The great thing about this package is that you’re able to have multiple coffee events within a calendar year. Book one in the fall semester and the other in the spring to spread out the fun.

Step 3: Choose your Promo: Choose 4 out of the list of promotions that we will send to you for your event. Get the word out with either a Facebook ad, an event banner on Facebook, 50 flyers, and more. Pick the most creative and best way to promote for your event.

Step 4: Get FREE Pizza: Not only do you get the chance to listen to award winning musicians, you also get FREE pizza, and who doesn’t want that? Enjoy some music with some great food.

Step 5: Enjoy the Show: Coffee House shows are a perfect addition to your spring music fests, music open mic nights, and freshman orientations. Once everything is booked, it’s your chance to sit back, relax, and eat some pizza!

It’s as easy as that! Take a look through our musicians list to see the performers you think will work best for your event. For most of the artists, you can watch YouTube videos to get a feel for what you’ll be seeing live. As one of the largest music booking agencies for colleges in the country, we have something for everyone. Just give us a call to talk to an agent for your state today!