5 Free and Easy Courses to Help Step up Your Social Media Game

5 Free and Easy Courses to Help Step up Your Social Media Game

With so much content out there it’s easy for campus organizations to get lost in the Internet shuffle. Enhance your digital marketing skills and set your organization apart by stepping up your social media game this fall. Try some of these totally awesome and free courses and get your knowledge on!

GCF Learn Free: Social Media Courses

New to social media marketing? GCF offers tons of free videos and articles covering the basics in all sorts of areas from Microsoft Office to Beginner Photoshop. The videos can sometimes be limited, but are perfect for new users. GCF’s social media courses cover the basics of setting up accounts, sharing content and define common social media terms over various platforms.

Facebook Blueprint

Facebook Blueprint is an online training program put together by real Facebook professionals. Their eLearning series is totally free and teaches Facebook terminology, campaign optimization, and marketing best practices. If you’d like a nifty badge like the Hubspot certifications, Facebook offers certification exams for about $150 and lasts 12 months.

Writing For The Web

Okay, this one’s more for the bloggers, but it’s free, and the ability to create good content is a highly marketable and transferable skill. Writing for the Web outlines differences between online readers and print readers, and discusses how to enhance writing style, web design, and structure to better accommodate online users.

Social Media Marketing: How to Profit in a Digital World

The course created by Northwestern University is designed for those wanting to develop strategic social media marketing plans. The full cost of this one is $49/month for full access, however, if you don’t care about the certificate or projects you can choose to audit the course and have access to most of the course content.

Viral Marketing and How to Craft Contagious Content

This course covers the fundamental ideas behind viral marketing and creating creative ideas, brands, and content people want to share. The course schedule is flexible and includes four weeks of material:

  1. What Makes Ideas Sticky?
  2. How Social Influence Shapes Behavior
  3. The Power of Word of Mouth
  4. Social Networks

This course and certificate cost $95, or you can audit the course with the option “full course, no certification,” while still having access to all the videos.


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