Throw The Ultimate Dance Party

Throw The Ultimate Dance Party

Throw the ultimate dance party on campus that’s fun and safe! Here are a few tips for your success.

You want to host a dance party outside but the noise may be too loud for the neighbors around campus? Try Neon Entertainment’s DIY Silent Dance Party! It’s becoming the hottest trend to hit campus and the quietest! Students can party and dance while listening to music through an interconnected network of wireless headphones instead of a speaker system. Guarantee to have fun but also noise contained fun!

Looking for a dance party that’s unique? Try the Black Light Foam Dance Party that comes with glow accessories, black lights and foam! Or for something different, try the Paint Party or Video Dance Party.

Maybe not everyone enjoys the same music? The audio for the DIY Silent Dance Party is broadcast using radio transmitters and can play up to 3 different channels! DIY Silent Dance Party includes up to 3 iPads full of play lists and the opportunity to use your own Apple Music, Spotify and Pandora accounts. You can be listening to top hits and your friend can be jamming out to oldies but goodies! Another option is bringing a DJ on campus or a student DJ. The DJ is able to plug into our system for an option on your headphone set. Guests choose who they want to listen to and when chosen, your headphones will use its LED lights to show other guests what artist’s station you’re listening to. Each headphone comes equipped with its own volume control for guests personal amplification.

Make your dance party into an even bigger event by adding the Glow Roller Rink! With fun music, dance moves and the option to skate, combining these two programs make for an awesome event!

Want to learn more about what Neon can do to make your campus dance party unforgettable? Just drop us a line and we can start the conversation on what you need, when you need it, and where we should bring the party!


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