Neon Spotlight #2 Live Unplugged Karaoke | Coming Live to Your School

Neon Spotlight #2 Live Unplugged Karaoke | Coming Live to Your School

So you may or may not have heard, but MTV Unplugged is coming back soon. Some of you might not even remember MTV Unplugged, but it would feature some of the top musicians playing their music in a lower level, acoustic set. Some of these performances, like Nirvana’s, have gone down in history. What if we told you that we could provide you with an opportunity to have as many students as you can bring, have an Unplugged experience at your college, that’ll go down in campus history? We sat down and talked to Scott Celani, who is at the front of our Unplugged Live Karaoke, about some memorable moments, what to expect, and why you should book it for your next college event.

You may have seen Live Band Karaoke out and about, amidst rigorous study habits and finishing all your homework. Neon Entertainment and Scott Celani can bring everything you need to have an interactive experience for your next event. Scott touched on a few reasons why going Unplugged is an advantage for College Engagement Directors to book.

Typically, you see a full live band karaoke with big sound, a full band, and full lights. This, though also awesome, can be a little intimidating to gain participation amongst your audience. The big lights and big sound could scare away a lot of the students. However, with a trio band and acoustic instruments, along with clear lyrics on screen and Scott on backup vocals, you’ll have a long list of participants waiting for their opportunity to shine.

You know, I’ll work with them. Say they don’t know when to come in, I’ll give them a count in, sing the first few words, help them find their spot if necessary. But only if they need help.

We asked Scott if he remembered any students or shows in particular that left an impact on him personally. He can remember one in particular at the University of Maryland, which always has a great turnout. This night in particular housed upwards of 600 people, and went for over 3 hours.

There was one at University of Maryland. A young student sang I will survive. He had the right energy. He had the whole place energized. He really really had the audience. He had the right energy, and the audience really took to him.

He told us how that kid, a good singer in his own right, truly took the whole audience by storm, and made it a night that no one in attendence will ever forget. Because that’s what college is all about right? Making memories that you’ll remember forever?

Scott himself told us that he is “more of a song person” than a one-genre man personally, and he typically finds songs that he gravitates too, and becomes obsessed with. Whether that’s a 50’s Johnny Cash song, or a brand new Maroon 5 song, doesn’t matter. As far as what to expect at Unplugged Live Karaoke, you can plan on playing just about anything with Scott and his trio of musicians. He’s found a recent spike in people of all ages getting into 90s rock, but you can find just about anything in the arsenal, from modern top 40, to country, to classic 50s Elvis.

Live Unplugged Kareoke allows your student body to dare themselves. Can they overcome the fear? How often do you get to play in the comfort of your school, with your friends, a live band, who is there merely to back you up and make you look like the star you were born to be. For more information on booking Live Unplugged Karaoke in your region, just fill out our contact form or give us a call!  

Here’s the full Neon Spotlight Series Podcast with Scott Celani!


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