Learning Lessons the Right Way | Alcohol Awareness for College Students

Learning Lessons the Right Way | Alcohol Awareness for College Students

It’s something that has become culturally appropriated for years, and with the rise in social media, has only been brought more into the public eye. College students party. This isn’t to say everyone attending a university is consuming alcohol or worse, abusing alcohol, but ever since the days of John Belushi in Animal House, there is a certain level of self discovery that tends to come with partying. Alcohol isn’t going to help raise your GPA, but it exists, and will be around throughout your college years. For students, learning about alcohol and what it can do is imperative, but when you’re over 18 to 20 years old, learning things the same way you did when you were 12 isn’t productive. Here are a few programs we can offer that could be beneficial for your fellow students.

The 3D College Experience

The 3D College Experience stands for “How to Avoid End Up Dumb, Drunk, and in Debt.” The program is presented by Adam Ace, who is a 10 year veteran of comedy, and also is a former Student Activities Board President. He knows the college market well, and his program is a delightful look at taking some simple steps to help prevent crucial mistakes that college students could make. It has a comedic spin that helps take a lighter look at some serious issues.

Trashed – A True Story With Wendi Fox

“Stop telling them not to drink and start inspiring them to find something in life they love more than getting drunk.” This is the anti-lecture message behind the comedian Wendi Fox, the most sought after alcohol awareness speaker in the country. She tells the tale of her own alcoholism, the trials and tribulations, as well as a look at the genetic nature of alcoholism throughout 3 generations of her family. It is a roller coaster of hilarious stories and reflection on poor choices. This helps inspire students to see that everyone makes mistakes, but the bottle won’t help you get where you want to be. This is a very popular presentation, as students truly enjoy connecting with her persona.

Hypnotic Intoxication

This program is different than the others, in that the performers are actually the students from the crowd. Keith Karkut, a renowned hypnotist uses his incredible abilities to trick the volunteers students into thinking they have access to, and are drinking very potent alcohol. They end up passing out, stumbling, slurring, etc. They are really only drinking water, but watching the performance is hilarious. There are discussions about the dangers of alcohol, and how to drink responsibly. It is great for college students because it effectively shows the problems with alcohol while entertaining the crowd.

Maximize Your Buzz

This seminar is about facing the statistics and encouraging students to know who they are to make better decisions. Did you know a six pack of beer is equivalent to six pounds of bleu cheese? How about how to reduce your bar bill by discovering the best places to drink and why you’re going there. Maximize Your Buzz has a realistic message based on personal values. Reduce the negative impact of binge drinking on your campus with a positive approach presented by Collegiate Empowerment.

If you’re looking for a way to present alcohol awareness for your students, but don’t want to bore them, The 3D College Experience, Trashed, and Hypnotic Intoxication are perfect. The way that both Adam, Wendi, Keith, and Collegiate Empowerment are able to connect with the college demographic, and inspire through talking about touchy subjects in a comedic and comfortable manner are second to none. For information on booking any of the programs, or any of our alcohol awareness programs, just fill out our contact form or reach out on our chat feature! Our agents will assist you immediately and help you schedule your event!


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