A Valentine’s Day Tale of Comedic Love | Ben Rosenfeld & Michelle Slonim

A Valentine’s Day Tale of Comedic Love | Ben Rosenfeld & Michelle Slonim

Well it’s that time of the year ladies and gentlemen. The time where you either find yourself fawning over romantic gifts and sweet love, or staring at the bottom of your tear-filled ice cream bucket as Netflix asks “Are you still watching?” Valentine’s day is a special day for everyone, regardless of if you have your own valentine. If you are going to spend the day single, might as well show yourself a little love! You deserve it too!One of our featured comedians, Ben Rosenfeld recently sat down with todaytix.com to talk about a very sweet story of 2 comedians falling in love. Ben, along with serving as one of our top comedians on the college circuit, just had his third comedy album go to #1 on the iTunes Comedy Charts and has appeared on FOX’s Laughs, CBS This Morning, Brain Games on National Geographic, SiriusXM Radio, and much more.

The female in this love story goes by Michelle Slonim, and she’s also a comic. She’s done work with Comedy Central, HBO, and SiriusXM radio herself. When asked about how the two met, she met the answer with a very simple,

“So we’re both comedians and we met at a comedy show.”

It really was that simple, but it was a little more complicated than that. The two lovebirds ended up on the same bill at a comedy club on the Lower East Side and struck up a conversation. The next week they ran into each other again at another show, and the romantic Ben didn’t even recognize Michelle. Ben responded by telling the interviewer about how he has prosopagnosia, which makes it difficult for him to recognize people.

It wasn’t until the third time the two met, that sparks started to fly. At this particular club, there was a music and comedy show from about 7pm til 2am, and typically going from show to show, Ben would arrive around Midnight. He’d often fall asleep, and wakeup at 2am to his name being called. 

Michelle’s set just happened to occur when Ben was sleeping. She snapped and posted a photo of him on Facebook, and literally heckled him for half of the set. Talk about some good material!

“And the flirting started from there.”

For more information about Ben Rosenfeld and Michelle Slonim, check out the full transcript of the article on todaytix. Ben is one of our favorite comedians, and you can have him come perform at your campus! Just contact your state’s agent here on our site, and we can start getting together a performance that you and your students will never forget!

Check out our soundcloud to see interviews with Ben Rosenfeld, and a few more of our entertainers!