Blame It on the Altitude | Comedian Troy Walker

Blame It on the Altitude | Comedian Troy Walker

When it comes to college comedians, traveling around the country and being constantly on the move is something that comes with the job. To most, this constant travel would be a headache and a half. For Neon Entertainment comedian Troy Walker, travel is one of the best parts of his job. We sat down with Troy for this month’s Neon Entertainment Spotlight Podcast. We learned a little bit about life on the road, his roots, and more about what makes Troy Walker, Troy Walker.

From Lawyer to Comedian

Troy Walker started out as a theater major, but was quick to learn that it wasn’t the path in life he wanted to take. “I didn’t want to build sets…I wasn’t mature enough to put that much work into it”. After two years of Comedian With Wanderlust breathing exercises and tongue twisters, Troy switched his field to political science, which lead him into Law School at Denver University post grad. Troy is a licensed lawyer in Colorado, but don’t

look for him to represent you if you ever get in a pinch. “I’ll show up in a Hawaiian shirt, sunglasses, with a burrito in my pocket. My first piece of legal advice to you? Find a better lawyer”.

Troy loves to travel around the country. He has a “thing for rental cars and hotel rooms”. When asked about his favorite places to travel, Troy leans more toward smaller towns, rather than big cities. He loves the process of getting into these small college towns, and the chaos that can occur when something as small as missing a train can cause.”When you’re in New York, or Chicago, people are like you have to eat here, or go to this museum. In small towns it’s like, there’s going to be a cooler thing inevitably.”

Read More about Troy’s Life on the Road Here….

Listen to the full podcast, where Troy gives us the scoop on his hometown of Denver, Colorado, the biggest Big Mac he’s ever eaten, and what it’s like to be in LA at 1pm on a Tuesday afternoon.

If you are looking to book Troy Walker or any other comedian for your college campus event call Neon Entertainment today! Neon Entertainment has diversity speakers, comedians, and other college acts that would love to preform on your campus! We look forward to providing you the best college comedians for your next campus wide event!

Stay tuned to Neon Entertainment’s blog for the latest on college comedians, hot trending topics, and much, much more!



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