3 Reasons to Bring a Spoken Word Artist to Campus

3 Reasons to Bring a Spoken Word Artist to Campus

As trends go, spoken word poetry has had a giant surge in 2018. More and more people are interested in the raw emotion of poetry and slam poets to understand the trials and tribulations of everyday life. According to studybreaks.com, poetry, but more specifically slam poetry is seen as an agent of change, making it extremely popular in the college-age demographic. Neon Entertainment has a large selection of spoken word artist that are readily available for your college campus events this fall. Here are 3 reasons why you should book a spoken word artist for your college campus event this fall!


For the longest time, poetry was used to express the writer’s emotions. Those emotions are often put in relatable terms that anyone can read. The poems are even more relatable when you can hear the author read them out loud. Neon Entertainment has spoken word artists from every walk of life. Our diverse group of performers can reach every demographic at your college event. Our Spoken Word artists are nationally known Grand Slam Poets, New York Times Best-Selling Authors, Ted Talks Presenters, and are deeply passionate about their heritage. They are able to capture an audience and really get them interested in these topics. Booking a spoken word artist with Neon is guaranteed to draw big crowds to your next college campus event.

Click here to see our Spoken Word Artist Line Up!

Social Commentary

Spoken word artists have an inclination to tackle larger topics than typical poets. While there are love poems and poems about everyday woes, spoken word artists also talk about hard topics, such as racism, sexism, and war. Aman K. Batra is a perfect example of this kind of artist. This Neon entertainer tackles topics that have a political pull to them, as she also talks about education, and feminism. These topics are what college-aged students are learning about frequently, and they have a higher interest in them. Booking spoken word performers for your college campus event is a perfect way to integrate entertainment and education into one package. It is a practical application of that values and lessons your students are learning every day in class. Neon Entertainment has a great selection of nationally recognized spoken word artists that will be sure to spark conversations all over campus.

Social Media Popularity

With the growth and popularity of social media, especially shareable videos, the interested in spoken word performances has skyrocketed. The most notable, in fact, would be Button Poetry. This organization is committed to distributing spoken word in the best way possible. Social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter have made this increasingly easy for them. Daily, millions of people are viewing, commenting and sharing these performance videos in order to express their thoughts and emotions. The reach of these artists is impacting college-aged people more than ever. Neon Entertainment had multiple spoken word artists that have been involved with Button Poetry and other nationally known spoken word forums. Their popularity, as well as their growing recognizability, will be sure to draw a lot of students to your college campus event.

Click Here to Listen to Lacey Roop’s Podcast about Spoken Word:

Booking any of these Neon Entertainers for you spoken word programs this fall will be a great way to start off your student programs. These diverse artists will draw students from all demographics, and give them an entertaining as well as an educational event. Neon Entertainment has package deals for your next on-campus event. Call Neon today to talk about booking a spoken word artist, or any other of our college campus entertainers. Start the school year off right with Neon Entertainment!


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