It’s very important to participate in block booking at NACA Conferences! This is where the deals are made, money is saved and conversations are had. Block booking can really help you, especially if you are working with a tight budget! It’s important to put in forms even if that means only showing “strong interest.” This way it lets the agent know that you are interested, and creates a conversation so that others can save money, as well as join the block. Take advantage of the deals and booking opportunities during the conference.
Know Block Booking
Advisers – teach your delegation what Block Booking is. Share your budget and explain ways that block booking can save your school money on entertainment.
Dive right in and find out exactly what the level of commitments mean at block booking; Strong Interest (SI), Single Date (SD), Contract If Block Is Formed (CB), Contract Requested (CR) and Contracted Performance (CP). Inform your group on the levels of commitment all the way to a contracted date. Also, make sure everyone knows how important it is to express your event as an SI if you can’t contract on site.
Be Prepared
Discuss in advance whether your school can contract on site and who can be a part of the Block Booking process. This is a great time to bring the current and upcoming positions into the Block Booking room to learn!
Have a game plan! Use your programming calendars and have a plan on who you are booking etc. before you enter the room.
Remember, business doesn’t end at the conference! Have a question about conferences? Ask below:
