Unique Events To Have On Campus

Unique Events To Have On Campus

If you’ve followed our blog in the past you know Neon Entertainment is a premier college booking agency in the US.  We’ve helped schedule thousands of fun campus events at universities all across the nation. Some of our most popular campus event ideas include everything from booking a comedian or musical act to renting out one of our iceless ice skating rinks!  Additionally, we have a lot of other fun campus event ideas that tend to fly under the radar.

We wouldn’t be a top college booking agency without our diverse selection of cool college events.  No matter what type of atmosphere you’re looking for in your next campus event, we’re sure to have something that fits it perfectly.  For this week’s blog entry we’d like to highlight some of our bookable variety acts that are a little less well known.

The Original Butt Sketch

If you’re unfamiliar with this campus event, yes it is exactly what it sounds like.  An artist will come to your campus ready to make a sketch of the fully clothed posterior of any willing participants.  After roughly 3 minutes, the charcoal sketch will be complete and it makes for a great souvenir. The original butt sketch has proven to be an extremely fun event for individuals and groups alike as they create a hilarious lasting memory together.

College Medium

Many students have had to deal with the unfortunate loss of a loved one.  Bringing a medium to campus is great way to engage students emotionally as they look to connect with someone who has passed on.  Whether you believe in that sort of thing or not, the impact these events have is undeniable. Marisa Liza Pell, one of our bookable mediums, has made a name for herself touring and interacting with sold out audiences around the country.  She’s even been featured on major television networks like FOX and NBC. If you’re looking for a interactive experience full of laughter and sometimes tears, Marisa Liza Pell will not disappoint.

College Mentalists and Hypnotists

There’s nothing quite like taking a group of intelligent young college students and making them question what they know about reality.  Mentalist Brian Ledbetter has been accomplishing this feat for years with his mind-boggling shows.  Unlike other performers, he thrives on audience participation. He performs tricks and delivers personal insights that are almost too crazy to believe.  Brian engagingly demonstrates that anything is possible if are willing to think outside the box and use our minds in non-traditional ways.

Comedy Juggler

Sometimes people here the word “juggler” and instantly think of a child’s birthday party.  However, juggling masters have made the jump to the big stage and are becoming commonplace for both corporate and campus events alike.  One of our professional jugglers, Nick Pike, stands out here as he makes his performance so much more than a simple juggling routine.  Nick excels at blending juggling with humor, as he tells jokes, does impressions and gets the audience involved. His performance will always keep spectators on the edge of their seats during his one-of-a-kind evening of entertainment.  Check out a sample of one of his shows from the link above.

If you’re having a hard time generating campus event ideas, why not look to one of Neon Entertainment’s unique variety acts!  Most of these acts are designed specifically for touring among college campuses so you know you’ll be booking something with a proven track record.  For any questions feel free to call Neon, your friendly college booking agency, to speak with one of our representatives today!