Neon Entertainment has a variety of Leadership Programs designed to engage students and encourage team building. We strive to provide participants the necessary skills needed in today’s workplace such as career development, communication skills, and motivation. Here are 5 Leadership Programs that do just that. For a full list of all leadership programs click here.
I’m Engaged
Increase your campus’ student involvement campus wide with Mike Fritz’s signature program, I’m Engaged. Mike is a professional student engagement speaker and bestselling author. In this program, Mike trains your current leaders to make a bigger impact on campus and grow their organizations using just 3 simple tactics.
Serious Leadership Requires a Sense of Humor
Comedian Michael Dean Ester is on a mission to save humanity as the world’s most entertaining leadership developer. He is a certified leadership speaker, teacher, and coach with the John Maxwell Team. Michael empowers students leaders to use humor as a powerful tool to build strong team.s
Michael has been nominated “Comedian of the Year!” by NACA, “Performer of the Year!” by APCA, and “Best Male Performer!” by Campus Activities Magazine. He has performed his comedy and motivational program for campus audiences at nearly 2,000 college events across 48 states.
Tailored specifically to Student Government Associations, SGA U is designed to increase Student Engagement within your existing association. This program includes topics like how structure an effective meeting, how to create and execute a mission statement, and how to effectively communicate with other team members.
The Student Leadership Challenge Experience
This program is meant to be your entire leadership training for the entire year. Based on the award-winning, best-selling book, The Student Leadership Challenge® by Jim Kouzes and Barry Posner, the program uses The Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership® and nuclear-infuses it with the high-energy, and engaging activities.
The goal of the program is to create a common leadership language among student leaders and campus organizations, and to adopt commitments and behaviors that will impact organizations campus-wide.
How To Magically Connect With Anyone
Magician, Brian Miller, uses magic to teach students how to make better and more meaningful connections with anyone that they meet. He utilizes his jaw dropping magic demonstrations and laugh-out-loud stories from a career in entertainment to deliver a powerful message about humanity.
Brian covers topics in his lecture such as perspective talking, E.A.R.S. active listening, getting out of your comfort zone, and developing resiliency against failure.
For more information about Leadership Programs and other programming ideas, give your Neon Agent a call at 716-836-6366.