Virtual Game Show FAQs | Book a Virtual Game Show Event

Virtual Game Show FAQs | Book a Virtual Game Show Event

Back in March we recognized that on campus events were going to take a major hit. We immediately put forth a great deal of energy to start creating virtual student engagement ideas. Some of our live acts work well in a virtual environment, but some of them don’t. One immediate success story was Adam Ace and our amazing team at EVENTGAMESHOWS.COM. Through a lot of work, technological ingenuity, and team creativity, we were able to provide an immediate answer to college campuses in need of engagement around the country. If you haven’t seen a virtual game show first hand, you’re in for a treat! You can book a game show here!

We wanted to take a few minutes to help answer a couple of frequently asked questions about virtual game shows.. so here we go!

How Do I Get In to Play?

Prior to the event, your users will enter their name and email to view the live professional comedian host. Then they’ll receive a school-event specific link to go to. Once you open that link on your phone, tablet, or computer, you’ll be a part of the action. Contestants will use their device to answer live! As soon as your event is booked, we will set up a customized web page for your school or organization.

See All Virtual Game Shows FAQs Here

How Many Can Play?

One of the really neat things about these game shows, and virtual events in general, is the level of engagement has matched if not increased with the ability for students to play remotely. It’s interesting to see that some students who may not have attended an in person event, are coming to the virtual game shows remotely. This means you can have as many students as you can get! You can host up to 1,000 users at one time.

What Do You Win?

We wouldn’t call it a game show if you didn’t actually win something! You’re price for the event includes $200 in cash prizes! All winners can be paid out via Venmo to ensure they don’t “go home” empty handed! If in the event cash prizes are not allowed, we have gift card options available for winners as well.

How Long Do the Games Last?

Our hosts are available 30 minutes prior to each event, and each live virtual game show event lasts between 60-70 minutes.

What is the Game Based On?

We have a huge assortment of various game shows based on some of the favorites of American pop culture. You can view all of our games shows over here, but what if you may want something else? We do custom events and content as well! If you have something you’d like to see just let us know!

It’s always best to contact us and let us know when you are looking, and any questions you have about your event. With agents on our team stationed all over the country, we will have no problem reaching out and providing any further information for you. We take pride in being the top provider for live and virtual events for the college market, and seeing the success of these amazing virtual events has been awesome to see. 2020 certainly hasn’t been easy on anyone, but virtual game shows are a nice distraction from the crazy world we’re living in! Stay tuned to the blog for more info on upcoming events and FAQs, and don’t forget to subscribe on Facebook and follow on Instagram!

Want to see more virtual events? Head over to our virtual site!


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