Fighting the Effects of “The New Normal”

Fighting the Effects of “The New Normal”

“This is our new normal.” How many times have you heard this phrase in the last 9+ months?  And despite how hard you try to accept the “new normal” it just doesn’t seem right.  Even the most optimistic of people are struggling with the “new normal” as feelings of anxiousness, discomfort and depression sneak into the cracks of your otherwise positive spirit.  And for many, their usual outlets for relieving stress are inaccessible due to closings.  But, there are options out there to provide the perfect opportunity for stress release, fitness and focus.  Yoga is an incredible tool for rebuilding many of the things COVID fatigue has torn down.

Over the last several months, Neon Entertainment’s Shanice Green has shared her knowledge and experience as both a musician and yoga instructor with her program Two Deep Breaths. This 60 minute event combines live music, yoga, meditation, and positive affirmations. Carefully crafted to promote a sense of relaxation, mindfulness, and creative expression at a time when all of those things are hard to come by.

With the success of Two Deep Breaths and the knowledge that yoga is an exercise for the whole human body, perfected with time and practice, Shanice has developed a virtual 7 week program of Gentle Vinyasa Flow Yoga which taught at a slow pace and is perfect for all levels and those students who may be new to yoga.  This series strives to provide students with an opportunity to grow from week to week, giving participants a small challenge, while relieving stress and deepening the mind/body connection. 

Give your students the gift of mindfulness, relaxation, and creative expression.  It may just be the most important opportunity you can provide.  Their educations cannot be successful if their mental health and physical wellbeing are not maintained first and foremost.  Contact Neon Entertainment to speak to an agent about scheduling your series and set your students up for personal development, renewal and success.

For more info on these programs and more contact your Neon Entertainment agent at or 800-993-NEON (6366)!