Neon Entertainment Artist & Social Media Pt 2

Neon Entertainment Artist & Social Media Pt 2

Social media is a crucial way for an artist to share their art and gain fans, especially in an era when live performances are scarce.  But, what makes a specific social media platform appeal to them and their followers?  Each artist has their favorite social media platform and a unique way to stand out amongst the millions of other posts that grace your page.  We’ve asked some of our acts to share a few details about their process.  Each month we will feature a new artist so be sure to stay tuned to see what some of your favorite Neon Entertainment acts are doing on social media.  This week’s spotlight artist is musician, Derrick KnopsnyderBeing a young comedian, Derrick uses his boyish charm and quick wit to connect with audiences all over, but it’s his awkwardness that keeps them laughing all through the night, making him a fan favorite wherever he takes the stage.  Here’s what Derrick has to say about his social media selection: 

Q: What is your preferred social media platform?

A: Instagram. I cant dance well enough to be on TikTok, trust me, Ive seen me try to dance its not good. Also, if were being honest, TikTok is just Vine without talent.

Q: What do you like most about that platform?

A: I like Instagram because it allows me to post videos of stand up, along with Tweets of jokes and most importantly pictures of my dog and cats. I dont have kids, so I have to brag about my pets.

Q: What’s the most amount of “likes” you’ve received on a post?

A: I posted a picture that said Not sure whats more awkward. The fact that I said I love you to the Pizza guy after he took my order or the fact that he showed up with breadsticks shaped like a bouquet. Either way, were dating now and the internet thought that deserved 114,000 likes. In case you were wondering, were still dating.  Please don’t tell my wife.

Q: Do you have a weekly/daily post that you’d like to share.

A: I try to post every other day and make videos once a week! If youd like to see them, Im all for that! @dkcomedy_

Id also like to start a podcast (NO THATS THE LAST THING THE WORLD NEEDS IS ANOTHER PODCAST) – and while Id agree with you, itd just be nice to put consistent content out there that was fun to make!

Q: What inspires your posts?

A: I’m pretty sure it’s my ADD.  Sometimes I’ll be really trying to get something done and my brain is like lol, no.  You Should post this dumb idea we have.  So I do that.     

Other times, I just write about what I see.  There’s a lot of funny in the world if you just look for it! 



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