Student Event Ideas for Fall 2021 Programming at Your College

Student Event Ideas for Fall 2021 Programming at Your College

There are a lot of options when it comes to college planning. Trying to figure out how to best break down your college planning budget and figuring out which programs are going to check your budget’s boxes can be a challenge! We are here to help! As college planning experts we have worked over 2 decades to provide engaging and inspiring college programming. 2020 was hard for everyone, and in an effort to overcome and still provide inspiration, we managed to create a wide assortment of “virtual” events that were a huge hit across the country!

As we start to get into some form of a normal reality we remember pre-pandemic, and some areas of the country are opening up to full capacities, live events are starting to pickup a bit, but there are limitations and key factors in play, depending on where you are. Because we work with colleges of all sizes, from all over the country, we understand what regulations are necessary and what you can expect.

As we wrap the spring semester and start thinking about summer.. we wanted to look ahead to fall and give a few ideas for your fall programming checklist. Here’s a few ideas!

Book Brian Miller for Your Fall 21 College Programming

If you’re looking for a speaker, OR looking for an entertainer… you can get both with Brian Miller. He was a magician by trade originally, but he’s really someone who loves to inspire and engage. He can help your fall programming checklist by providing something that is fun and exciting, but also can provide more of a speaker program as well. Check out something he did recently below! Remember to “like” on Facebook and “follow” on IG!

Book J8k to Play Music for Your Fall College Events

You can follow J8k and many of our top musicians to hire for your Fall programming on Facebook, where we do a live “Music Monday” each week! J8k is a hell of a musician and can be a great live show, or virtual. He also has a martial arts program that includes beat-boxing and boxing techniques that can be a great health and wellness remote program. If you need someone who’s going to captivate and entertain, J8k can do both!

Book Silent Disco for College Event

One of our hottest sellers right now is the silent disco. It’s pretty simple, if you haven’t been to one yourself, its where everyone has their own set of headphones and locks into a mutual channel and everyone can dance and rock out in “silence.” Because these are so popular, we have enough at our fingertips to have your entire event BUMPING. The silent disco is a great way to attract a good amount of students, and can be either indoor or outdoor, which is great for events like orientation and homecoming!

These are just a handful of ideas for your fall college programming checklist. Please feel free to peruse all of our options here, as well as over on our virutal site! Remember to connect with our social media where whe post daily updates and great info for college planners and student activity directors!