Boosting Student Engagement with DIYs

Boosting Student Engagement with DIYs

Last year at this time we were navigating new territory in the live-streaming/virtual world and the college community managed to do that pretty successfully!  This year is bringing new challenges as we waiver between in-person, live-streaming, and socially distanced programming.  Guidance and mandates are constantly changing and in turn, so are our plans.  But, we have campus events that make planning a whole lot easier and in addition, provide students with great engagement opportunities!  Our DIY Drop-Ship programs give your student activities flexibility and variety as they can be done at any time you choose, anywhere (on campus or in the safety of a dorm or apartment), independently or in small groups. DIY events are hands-on, creative programming that allow students to express themselves and connect with others on campus without being in front of a device. 

Try A DIY College Event

When you search Youtube or other video platforms you come across a vast variety of DIY videos. They get some of the highest views compared to other published content. DIY events are becoming more mainstream especially in the college environment. 

Although most schools are allowing students back on campus, or offering hybrid learning, recreational programming on campus may be restricted to events that can happen in small groups or solo. A lot of the students will be looking for a way to interact with their peers as well as keep a positive mindset. So a great way to welcome students back to school can be with a virtual DIY event like our Paint Social.  When you book Paint Social, we can ship all of the supplies you need to campus and our talented host guides your students via live-stream!

DIY Products for College Event Ideas

When lounging around doing your schoolwork, why not rock a pair of custom zlippers. You might be asking your self what are zlippers? Well, we all know what slippers are, but imagine a slipper with a removable interchangeable top that is connected with a simple zipper design. Tops are interchangeable and mix and match.  You choose!  We’ve taken the idea of adult coloring books and applied them to our zlipper designs to add to the already calming quality of some new cozy slippers. Using basic fabric markers students can customize the tops of their zlippers with the colors of their choice. Up to 100 students can participate with just one order from our store.  Color your zlippers with your dormmates, or color your dormmates zlippers!  

Choose Your Next Student Engagement Event

Here at Neon Entertainment, we want students to be able to express themselves through art and other forms of creativity. Neon makes it simple to do just that with our customizable products.  One great example is our Alpha Art with over 150 letter designs. This not only gives students an opportunity to get creative, but it makes for great art for any home, office, or dorm room. This program allows participants to express themselves easily and engage with their peers at the same time. We can ship materials to make 100, 200, or 300 sets depending on your budget and the number of students you expect to participate. We provide all the materials needed and have a simple form to select the letters desired to create their final work of art. 

In addition to our zlipper and Alpha art programs we provide opportunities for college students to get in touch with their inner-child. Check out our Create a Creature program. With over 100 stuffable creature designs to choose from this is sure to be a hit program. Our creatures stand about 16” tall and provided with them is the fiberfill stuffing, and a printed t-shirt with your customized design. Everything you need is shipped to one location so you can distribute everything in a COVID-safe way to ensure the safety of your participants. We’ve made ordering your creatures simple in our new virtual store front and orders start at just $1590 for 108 creatures including shipping!  Your students will love to create a new cuddle buddy that will remind them of the great time they had while at college. 

As you can see, our store offers a wide variety of options of hands-on, safely socially-distanced events for you to choose from. In addition, we offer face masks that can be branded to your liking.  Send us your school’s imprint, student activities board logo or other graphic of your choosing.  Students will wear their masks on campus proudly representing their college or university while helping to ensure healthy practices.  It has been a difficult year for everyone and we want to assure people that options are available to help them stay engaged and keep a positive mindset through these trying times. If you are looking for college event ideas then look no further and see what Neon Entertainment has to offer.

If you want to choose some DIY projects for your school, fill out one of these forms and reach out to learn more!!!


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