The Importance of Cultural Diversity in College Entertainment Booking

The Importance of Cultural Diversity in College Entertainment Booking

Hello and welcome back to the Hot Mic Blog here at Neon Entertainment! Today, we wanted to take some time to talk about Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion and the importance of cultural diversity in entertainment booking. 

Here at Neon, we provide an assortment of speakers and programs that speak on the knowledge of equity and are committed to building diverse and inclusive communities in our universities, corporations, and the world. Our entertainers seek to promote DEI in its many manifestations. 

Cultural Diversity Ensures Everyone on Your Campus Feels Heard

Hiring entertainers from diverse backgrounds ensure that all members of your college community feel valued and that their voice is heard. People in monitory groups might feel ostracized and excluded if you only hire entertainment that doesn’t look like or share similar life experiences as them on stage. By booking a diverse cast of entertainment options, colleges send their student body a clear message that the institution is for everyone. 

Booking a diverse range of entertainers can also broaden the cultural horizons of your students. Exposing the student body to new and different cultures and viewpoints through comedy and spoken word is a key way to foster a more understanding community. This exposure can help students develop a deeper understanding and appreciation of the world around them. 

Cultural Diversity and DEI Are Important After School 

Promoting DEI options in your entertainment booking can also have a practical benefit. Having your students be exposed to ideas and cultures they otherwise wouldn’t interact with is a huge gift that they likely won’t get in their hometowns. Exposure to cultural diversity and the new experiences it offers can help to prepare for life after classes, where they’ll have to work with a wider array of people. 

Neon Entertainment understands the need for a community where differences are welcomed and respected and everyone feels heard, included, and valued. Our DEI Programs promote meaningful conversation that leads to true acceptance and growth. 

Contact Us!

Do you have any questions regarding our DEI programming? We’d be happy to answer any questions you have about these game shows or any of our other offerings from NEON Entertainment. Check out our Diversity and Inclusion events to see our entertainers and games that promote DEI! 

Don’t forget to check up the Hot Mic Blog to get more event ideas for your Spring 2023 Semester! The semester is here and getting your new events set is only going to get harder.

You can also follow along with us on social media, like our Facebook, Youtube, Instagram, and Snapchat! Reach out today to book any of these game shows or our other entertainment offerings. Give us a call at 800-993-NEON or email us at for more information. Let’s make your next event extra special, together!


The Hot Mic