How To Hire a Comedian for Your Fun College Events

How To Hire a Comedian for Your Fun College Events

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Hello and welcome back to the Hot Mic Blog here at Neon Entertainment! Neon is the home for college entertainment and has the materials to produce the most fun college events you could think of! Today, we’re going to run down a brief “how to” regarding comedian hires. So, let’s dive right in! 

The first step of any event planning is to decide on the kind of event. Are you hosting a game show, do you need an experienced emcee, or are you seeking a comedy night? Understanding the event and the audience will help to determine the best comedian for you with experience. 

Comedy is all about getting the audience rolling with laughter and having a fantastic time, but there are different comedians for different kinds of events and audiences. Some comedians like having a longer set time to do their material and work the crowd. Others prefer shorter spurts with pauses between so the audience can regain their composure and energy. 

Run Time and Budget are Important Factors

Also, consider the run time of the event! This is another important factor when selecting entertainment options, the run time of the event can influence your entertainment. Most comedy sets run around an hour, with longer allotments for emcee’d events. You can also opt for an opening act by bundling comedian options. If you do bundle multiple kinds of entertainment, and you want the comedian to do a set, remember that any music you hire should go last. Any comedian would struggle to engage the audience after a live music performance. 

Don’t forget to determine your budget! This is arguably the most important step. Luckily, working with Neon Entertainment, we make the talent booking process as easy as we can so that you don’t need to word about that aspect. Check out our mix-and-match packages to get an idea about what booking multiple talents looks like, and don’t forget to message us to further inquire. Our mix-and-match packages include travel and lodging for the talent. 

Don’t Forget To Contact Early!

We’ve mentioned it before but it bears repeating – please make sure to have some time between when you contact us and when you need the entertainment. The further ahead you begin your planning process, the more comedians are available and it’s easier to match talent with events. 

With all that time, read the reviews of the talent, watch some of their clips on YouTube, check out their website, etc. You want to be as confident in your hired comedian as we are in sending them! 

We have a wide variety of comedians available to choose from, check out our roster of talent! We’re confident you’ll find them as laugh-out-loud funny as we do and you won’t be able to wait for the date of your event to come! Neon Entertainment’s college comedians are the perfect complement for your fun college event. 

Contact Us to Get Your Fun College Events Set Up! 

Any questions regarding our college comedians for your fun college event? Don’t hesitate to reach out to us at You can also check out some of our previous writings where we’ve covered some of the comedians and helpful hiring hints. 

Speaking of checking out our previous writings, don’t forget to stay tuned to the Hot Mic Blog! We regularly post about why our college event entertainment is the best in business and highlight the talented artists on our roster. We’re also easily found on social media, especially Instagram, FaceBook, YouTube and Snapchat!

Reach out today to enquire or book our events or artists. Call us at 800-993-NEON, or get more information by emailing

Let’s make that spectacular college event you’ve envisioned real. The sooner you start planning, the sooner you can relax!


The Hot Mic