Warm Weather Is Around the Corner, Check Out Some Outdoor Events Options!

Warm Weather Is Around the Corner, Check Out Some Outdoor Events Options!

Hello and welcome back to the hot mic Blog at Neon Entertainment! This week, we’re coming out of the cold winter weather and barreling towards sunny skies and warm spring days. With the warm weather just over the horizon, we thought it would be a great time to talk about some of our outdoor events! But don’t worry, you can set these up anywhere you have the space. Live Music Entertainment Here at Neon, we … Continued

The Importance of Cultural Diversity in College Entertainment Booking

Hello and welcome back to the Hot Mic Blog here at Neon Entertainment! Today, we wanted to take some time to talk about Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion and the importance of cultural diversity in entertainment booking.  Here at Neon, we provide an assortment of speakers and programs that speak on the knowledge of equity and are committed to building diverse and inclusive communities in our universities, corporations, and the world. Our entertainers seek to promote … Continued

Three Special Events to Book For Your Students This Semester

Welcome back to the Hot Mic Blog here at Neon! It’s always event season here in our neck of the woods, and with our special events you can put on a show like no other! Let us give you a small tour of some of our popular offerings with this blog post. Whether you’re looking for a night of comedy, artistic endeavors, or unique and unforgettable experiences, NEON Entertainment has an event your students will … Continued

A Couple of Fun Event Ideas for College Students This Fall Season

Welcome back to the Hot Mic Blog. This changing season means a changing kind of event you’re looking to book for your college students. That’s where Neon Entertainment, the brightest agency, comes in! Read on to get a rundown of 2 fun event ideas for your college students this 2022 Fall season. Fun Fall Event 1: Comedian Ty Barnett Comedy and stand-up comedians are a great way to get an event going for your student … Continued

Halloween-Focused Escape Rooms to Book This Spooky Season!

Hello and welcome back to the Hot Mic Blog here at Neon! We’re sure you’re busy getting ready with all your students coming back to campus. With that influx of students, comes a rush of getting events put together before all the best days and times are booked. Think ahead to your first major event, Halloween, today! Instead of making you scroll and scroll for our Halloween offerings, allow us to lay out two of … Continued

“AXE-ING” AROUND.. 5 Reasons You Should Have Already Booked Axe Throwing

Whatsup everybody and welcome back to the blog! We drop in here regularly to remind programming planners and student activity directors that their event planning search can always start and end with Neon Entertainment! We provide entertainment, experiences and events for college campuses all over the country, and today we have something really exciting to feature… AXE THROWING BABY!! If you haven’t been axe-throwing yet, you’re in for a treat. If you have, you already … Continued

Is that a full band? No, It’s A Cappella from Neon

Welcome back to the Hot Mic Blog! As the school year winds down, it’s time to get some ideas formulated for the next semester. You’ve booked singers and comedians, bands and hypnotists before, but have you heard our A Cappella Groups? Our performers have years of experience creating beautiful music with just their voices. Here are two of our best a cappella groups you should consider for your campus next semester. No instruments, no accompaniment, … Continued

Celebrate Diversity with These Spoken Word Artists!

Neon Entertainment provides live entertainers for college events! We have always been a premier provider of live entertainment, including comedy, music, magic and more, but the pandemic certainly didn’t help live event booking. We were able to navigate and evolve to provide some really engaging virtual programming, and as we are all still getting back on our feet we wanted to remind our readers and users of the outstanding LIVE acts that we have to … Continued

Word of Warning: 3 Reasons to Plan Your Holiday Event Ahead of Time

Planning a fun college event can be a hassle. Take the pain out of planning and searching for the right fit, and bring Neon in! But remember – book your adventure before the holiday season bonanza and there’s no event space left!    If you’re here, you likely want to plan a holiday event for your school or organization. Getting the right event together, figuring out entertainment options, managing budget expectations, etc can become more … Continued

BINGO – 3 Reasons Why Bingo is a Perfect Booking for Your College

What’s the first thing you think of when you hear the word BINGO? If it’s old ladies and the smell of a church gymnasium, then we are here to change that. We are a provider of live in person and virtual entertainment for colleges all over the US. You may know all about us, but if so, this here serves as ammo to go tell someone else about us and why they should choose Neon … Continued