Ryan Jones | From Student to Performer

Ryan Jones | From Student to Performer

by Poet Ryan Jones “So, we’re headed up to Chattanooga for a few days for this national conference for activities boards like ours. If you can spare missing a few days of class, let me know and you’re free to come.” “What the name of the conference again?” “NACA South. Short for the National Association of College Activities.” — It’s incredibly difficult to wrap my head around the idea that I’ll be attending NACA South … Continued

Happy National Teddy Bear Day!

Named after Theodore Roosevelt, the 26th President of the United States, the Teddy Bear has become one of the most iconic toys in history. This fun holiday is great to celebrate, because Teddy Bears are very special to many people. Did you know that over half of adults still have their favorite stuffed animal they grew up with? Not only that, but 40% sleep with it by their side and 70% said they want to … Continued

5 Awesome Homecoming Event Ideas From Neon Entertainment

Homecoming can be an important event for students if they really get involved.  Between meeting new people, getting to know the faculty, and networking with Alumni members, students can set themselves up well for the future.  Of course, for all of this to happen there needs to be some entertainment and events scheduled for homecoming weekend.   That’s where Neon Entertainment comes in.  We’re a college booking agency with literally hundreds of different events, performers and … Continued

Dorm Sweet Dorm | 4 Deck Your Dorm Program Ideas

Deck Your Dorm events are a great way to start the new school year off right. Whether your an incoming freshman or upperclassman, adding a fresh new look to your room is an exciting experience. We offer several programs that will have all participants thrilled with their new personalized items. Make & Take Events Our make & take events are the only event to give participants a 100% customized experience. Choose from one of our … Continued

Neon Brings Awesome Social Events Right To Your Campus!

Campus event ideas are a crucial part of the social makeup of your campus.  Students are always looking for ways to connect with new people; especially incoming freshmen who likely don’t know anybody outside their dorm.  Providing fun campus events is the best way to get students excited about college life and the possibilities in front of them at your university.  Neon Entertainment has hundreds of awesome events that make great first year experience ideas. … Continued

Team Building Programs | Activities Everyone Will Love

Building trust and understanding among group members is a vital part of any organization. A supportive team fosters many positive benefits like an increase in positivity, motivation, communication, and  productivity within your organization. That’s why team building activities have become such an important tool for so many organizations. With plenty of new student orientations and welcome weeks coming up, we thought we would share with you five programs perfect for team-building.   Alphabet T-Shirts Alphabet … Continued

5 Leadership Programs to Bring to Campus this Fall

Neon Entertainment has a variety of Leadership Programs designed to engage students and encourage team building. We strive to provide participants the necessary skills needed in today’s workplace such as career development, communication skills, and motivation. Here are 5 Leadership Programs that do just that. For a full list of all leadership programs click here.   I’m Engaged Increase your campus’ student involvement campus wide with Mike Fritz’s signature program, I’m Engaged. Mike is a … Continued

New Make & Take Programs You’ll Love

Our Make & Take programs allow each participant the opportunity to create their very own unique item. Each participant chooses any design for their item, whether they would like to add an emoticon, name, initials/monogram or pictures from their phone. Our staff will transfer their image onto the item for a one-of-a-kind design. We just added these four new items for your make & take programs. For a full list, visit our Custom Photo Make … Continued

Earth Day Programs Make Great Freshman Orientation Ideas!

Now that March is coming to a close it’s time to flip the calendar and start looking at what April has in store.  We at Neon Entertainment would like to draw your focus to one of the most important holidays of the year, Earth Day.  This annual event is meant to be a reminder that will motivate all of us to renew our efforts of environmental protection. Did you know that April 22nd was picked … Continued

College Glow Events | Campus Event Ideas

If you’re an event coordinator for a university you have a tough job.  You need to schedule fun campus events that will draw a crowd but you also need variety.  That’s where our college booking agency, Neon Entertainment, really stands out. Sure we can help you when booking a comedian or live music act, but we truly take pride in our diverse selection of unique campus events. This week we’d like to talk about some … Continued

Unique Events To Have On Campus

If you’ve followed our blog in the past you know Neon Entertainment is a premier college booking agency in the US.  We’ve helped schedule thousands of fun campus events at universities all across the nation. Some of our most popular campus event ideas include everything from booking a comedian or musical act to renting out one of our iceless ice skating rinks!  Additionally, we have a lot of other fun campus event ideas that tend … Continued

College Relaxation Programs

For many, college life can be a tangled web of balancing responsibilities and having a good time. Between managing classes, jobs, exams and your social life on top of that, it’s very natural for students to feel stressed out. With the fall semester coming to a close, stress levels can be especially high as students prepare for final exams. It is vitally important during these next few weeks that students make time for things other … Continued

Aaron Marcus | Learn from a Pro

People go to college to for a bunch of different reasons.  A lot of young people tend to focus on the social atmosphere, living on their own, and the variety of cool events they now have access to.  When organizing campus event ideas there’s always room for some informative college speakers that give a glimpse into potential career opportunities after college. Neon Entertainment is proud to have Aaron Marcus on our roster of college speakers … Continued

Trending Up | John Gurney

John Gurney is one of the hottest artists on Neon Entertainment’s talented roster of musicians you can book for your next campus event. His career as a musician and entertainer is definitely on the rise. He’s made some buzz lately with his regular appearances on E!’s new hit show ‘Very Cavallari’. We asked John what he loved about being on a reality TV show and he said “The opportunity to share the experience with a cast … Continued

Watch Your Semester Grow with these 3 Plant Programs

Plants are more than just something nice to look at. They’re natural air purifiers that improve your overall well-being. The presence of indoor plants can lead to a decrease in anxiety level, raise in productivity, and even lower blood pressure. Neon Entertainment provides 3 awesome plant programs. All of them are DIY (Do-it-yourself); meaning they’re budget friendly and shipped right to your door. Neon delivers everything you need to run a successful event. Lucky Bamboo … Continued