4 Tips to Make the Most Out of New Student Orientation

4 Tips to Make the Most Out of New Student Orientation

New Student Orientation serves an important role in preparing students for a successful college career and improving student retention. We’ve compiled 4 tips for planning an awesome Orientation Weekend and programs that will accomplish those goals. Educate Students on Campus Resources A major part of orientation is teaching new students about all the resources you have to offer. An awesome way to make this normally tedious task into a fun activity, is to do it … Continued

Create A Unique First Year Experience With Summer and Fall Orientations

Can you believe the spring semester is almost over already?  With only a little more than month to go, it’s time for college event administrators to look ahead to what’s next.  Neon Entertainment wants to help you carry the success of your Spring 2019 event schedule into your upcoming Summer and Fall Orientation Programs. College orientation is a fundamental part of the undergraduate first year experience.  Most incoming students arrive on campus looking to meet … Continued