The Great Escape (Room)

The Great Escape (Room)

When planning a college campus event, it is a tough decision. What kind of events pull a diverse group of students, while keeping them entertained, and help them build connections? Are you looking for a college campus event that makes you think outside of the box? Are you trying to build a team atmosphere in your club or new student organization? Neon’s Escape Rooms are WILDLY fun, completely immersive and difficult!  They are made to … Continued

How Do Escape Rooms Work? Bringing the Escape Room To You

There are 11 players on a football team. There are 5 players on a basketball team. There are 9 players on a baseball team. And there are seldom ever more than 8-12 players on any escape room team. Why?  Why Do Teams Stay Small? It’s because that with a relatively small group of players you have optimal engagement. People feel more comfortable contributing when they don’t feel like they are “on stage.”  Public speaking is the #1 fear in the … Continued