What’s a Syndemic?

First Time NACA? Remember These Tips for Attending a College Event Planning Conference

The National Association for Campus Activities is one of our favorite organizations for many reasons, but one big one is the outstanding job they do putting on conferences every year. For (just a few) years now, we’ve made sure to include ourselves in any opportunity we can by attending each NACA conference, because they are such a great way to connect with students from all over the US. We have worked with NACA to help … Continued

Staying Virtual? | 3 Great Ideas For Your Next Student Event

Are your students ready to get back into the swing of things, but maybe not quite in-person yet? Does a virtual student event sound like a fun, affordable idea? Need any ideas for a rapidly approaching homecoming event?  Well here at Neon, we have a bevy of options for online activities for college students! Today, we’ll cover three fun activities for college students and even alumni that you can use for your next campus event … Continued

5 Reasons to Book a Scavenger Hunt Event with NEON

There are a lot of competitors out there that try to provide customized scavenger hunt activities for on,  or around campus, but we wanted to take some time today to let you know why NEON is the perfect fit to create your college campus scavenger hunt event. Here are 5 Reasons to Choose Neon for Your Next Scavenger Hunt Event Dedicated Facilitators When you create your custom scavenger hunt with us, you will have a … Continued

5 Reasons to Book a Game Show with Neon

We are a dedicated squad of college event bookers who help student activities planners all over the country to book, market and execute amazing college events. From anything like Freshman Orientation and homecoming weekend, to graduation events and Senior Send Offs, event planning isn’t easy. That’s why we are here! We take the tough stuff off your hands by helping you to understand the process every step of the way. We are seasoned in the … Continued

Celebrate National Pizza Day With Neon Entertainment

Next Friday marks the annual celebration for one of everyone’s favorite foods.  Held on the 3rd Friday of May every year, National Pizza Day is set aside to appreciate that wonderful food that made its way over from Italy and quickly became an American staple.  Whether you decide to celebrate by ordering in for a house party, visiting a bunch of different pizza shops, or making your own custom pie, you’re bound to have a … Continued

Celebrate Asian Pacific Heritage Month With 4 Of Our Top Artists

In case you weren’t aware of it, Asian Pacific American Heritage Month begins next week.  APAHM has been celebrated in May every year since 1978. May was specifically chosen to commemorate the arrival of the first Japanese immigrants and to honor the many Chinese immigrants who completed the transcontinental railroad in May 1869. At Neon Entertainment, we pride ourselves on offering a diverse lineup of talent for your upcoming campus events.  Our roster features artists … Continued

National Comedy Acts | Book A Comedian for Your Next Campus Event

If you’re a fan of television you might be looking forward to the Emmy’s next week. This year’s festivities are set to be hosted by Colin Jost and Michael Che from Saturday Night Live.  Jost and Che have received most of their acclaim from their time as co-hosts on SNL’s “Weekend Update” segment. Their style of humor, filled with doling out political zingers, has earned them so much attention that they find themselves hosting one … Continued

Fun T-Shirt Programs | Freshman Orientation Ideas

While most students enroll in college with the goal of achieving a degree, most of them are also there for the experience and the memories. What better way to create lasting memories than with some of our fun t-shirt programs that will give you a constant reminder every time you open your closet.  Our t-shirt programs are about more than just giving away apparel; they stand out because they’re an activity that can be enjoyed … Continued

Find Your Army | Neon Spotlight #10 With Musician Scott Celani

  Neon Entertainment is proud to provide opportunity for all of our musicians, and each one has something special that makes them unique. Scott Celani is probably one of the most versatile artists we have on our list. You may have heard a little about Scott in our previous installation of Neon Spotlight, where we talked about his Live Band Karaoke program. For this interview, we talked to Scott specifically about his musical career, his … Continued