
Bring a Crowd to your Event with These 6 Creative Ideas

Bring a Crowd to your Event with These 6 Creative Ideas

We’ve all been there. You put tons of work into an event and then nobody shows up. Or maybe you’re just looking to revamp your marketing strategy. Either way, it’s always good to take a step back assess your marketing strategy and learn new ways to increase your event attendance. Here are 6 ways to boost your crowd size for the Fall. Word of Mouth Good word of mouth instills trust in your brand. Ask … Continued

5 Fun Marketing Tips for a Cold Day

1. Use food coloring to write hashtags, your organization’s meeting information, social media handles, your event details etc. Choose the best location, like a popular walking route, campus quad or outside of the dorms. Some places may even sell snow spray paint specifically made to write in the snow! Then Snap Chat, Insta-story, post on Facebook so the word spreads quickly! 2. Have a winter flash mob snow ball fight! Give your club members a … Continued

5 Promotional Tricks To Draw Bigger Audiences

  5 Promotional Tricks To Draw Bigger Audiences By Neon Entertainment Agent, Danny Mackey Classes have started and the campus in now cluttered with flyers for all those events happening all over campus. Theater, music productions, club and organizational meetings and of course your own campus activities events. Here are 5 Promotional Tricks to help draw a huge audience at your next event. 1) Chalking – If your campus allows sidewalk chalk, this is the … Continued