
Work Out Playlist by Mikki Hommel

Work Out Playlist by Mikki Hommel

  Musician Mikki Hommel is a rock star behind the mic but did you know she is also a rock star Soul Cycle Instructor ?! We asked her to share her fitness playlist with us for a little extra motivation at the gym, here are her suggestions; My heart goes wild for anything Skrillex “Bangarang” is always a top pick! “Resistance”, “Give it Up”, “Boss Mode” – Knife Party also have an EDM crush on … Continued

Holiday Traditions With Mikki Hommel

By Musician, Mikki Hommel My favorite Christmas album would have to be “Merry Christmas” by the X-Mas angel herself; Mariah Carey. I mean those songs are so great and her voice is just holier then thou. Also gotta love my boys, *NSYNC and “Merry Christmas Happy Holidays,” and of course The Lonely Island’s Christmas jingle “Dick in a Box”. My friend and fellow musician, Pete Ayres, always puts up a Christmas show in NYC.  This … Continued