
NACA Syracuse 2023 Recap

NACA Syracuse 2023 Recap

We hope you had a fantastic time at the NACA Syracuse conference if you attended! But if you couldn’t make it or missed our presence at the event, there’s still a chance to catch up on the remarkable showcases we featured. The lineup included Comedian Derrick Knopsnyder, Free Money Game Show, Spoken Word Artist Lacey Roop, Magician John Rotellini and The Unauthorized Biography Series presented by Shaun Boothe. During the conference, we also organized a … Continued

Fall 2022 Showcasing Acts

We are looking forward to the upcoming conferences and to seeing you all again! Below are links to the acts you will see on stage at the conferences this fall! In addition to the Neon Entertainment acts you will get the chance to experience, we would like to give you the opportunity to learn about all of the programming we have to offer.