
Where to Eat in Denver? | NACA Live 2020

Where to Eat in Denver? | NACA Live 2020

by: I.N.K.’s Lane Shuler The time has come, NACA Live 2020 is nearly here! What would traveling to a new city be without trying out some new restaurant? Sad. That’s what. Here is my list of the must-eat restaurants in Denver Colorado. As always, check with your advisor to ensure you are clear to go, and NEVER miss a showcase to have a meal on your own or anything else off-site! Sam’s No. 3. This … Continued

Spoken Word Artists For Your Next Campus Event

What is spoken word poetry?  In many ways, spoken word has rekindled the art of poetry in our modern setting.  A lot of young people tend to be turned off when they hear the word “poetry” because classic poetry can be hard to relate to.  Spoken word, on the other hand, has been successful largely because of its relevancy and live entertainment value. So What’s The Difference? While classic poetry is meant to be written … Continued

3 Reasons to Bring a Spoken Word Artist to Campus

As trends go, spoken word poetry has had a giant surge in 2018. More and more people are interested in the raw emotion of poetry and slam poets to understand the trials and tribulations of everyday life. According to studybreaks.com, poetry, but more specifically slam poetry is seen as an agent of change, making it extremely popular in the college-age demographic. Neon Entertainment has a large selection of spoken word artist that are readily available … Continued

Poet Elizabeth Acevedo’s Novel Releases This March

Spoken Word Artist, Elizabeth Acevedo, is receiving a wealth of praise for her new Young Adult (YA) book, The Poet X. The book follows, Xiomara, a 15 year-old Afro-Dominican teen preparing to make her Catholic Confirmation who turns to writing as a way to cope with her wavering faith, and family discord. Author, Elizabeth, is well known for her award-winning slam poetry. As a college poet, she travels around United States and has performed at over 100 colleges … Continued

From Athlete to Artist  | Spoken Word Artist Lacey Roop Neon Spotlight #7

For a lot of writers, they have had a passion for storytelling for as long as they can remember. But, for Lacey Roop, a  happy coincidence as a young adult lit a curiosity in her that has led her on a unique journey. We sat down with this Neon Entertainment spoken word artist to chat about life, art, and her latest projects. You can listen to our podcast interview in entirety on YouTube or Soundcloud! … Continued

5 Reasons Spoken Word Artists Can Make Your Next College Event Better

By Kelsey Pyse April is National Poetry Month Did you know that April is national poetry month? This is a time to explore the amazing talent that is spoken word. Poetry isn’t just for April though; it’s a great addition to any event including orientations, Spring Fest, open mic night and more! Open your mind to new possibilities and discover the art of poetry. Poetry Speaks to Everyone in Different Ways We’ve all hade to … Continued