College Booking Agent

College Booking Agent

Neon Entertainment has established a national reputation as a top tier college booking agent. We have years of experience helping colleges and other organizations book unique, high-quality entertainment that not only pleases a cross section of demographics, but engages audiences to create the one-of-a-kind experiences they won’t soon forget.  While student organizers and staff at universities across the country look to fill events throughout the school year, we’re proud to be a driving force in providing the best services in the industry.  Consider Neon Entertainment your one-stop college booking agent.  While we have a wide array of musicians, comedians, speakers and game shows that students love, we’re also extremely excited to offer unique acts that fit specific windows.  We invite you to browse our novelty events section for inflatable skating and ice rinks, bazooka ball, laser and zombie tag, just to name a few.  Best of all, we deliver everything you need Again, we’re proud to be the chosen college booking agent for so many events across America’s campuses.  There’s always something for everyone at Neon Entertainment and we can’t wait to bring the fun to your schools! When you need a quality college booking agent for an event at your school, Call Neon Entertainment!