Game Show Campus Feud

Campus Feud

Campus Feud is Neon Entertainment’s version of the Classic TV game show, Family Feud.  Two pre-determined teams consisting of five contestants come up on stage.  The first contestants are then called up to face off for the first question.  The questions are actual survey questions that were asked of current college students.  The team that answers the question with the highest point value can either play or pass that round.

They then go back to their teams, where each contestant has a chance to answer the question.  If they are wrong they will receive a strike.  The team continues to try to reveal all the correct answers while trying not to accumulate three strikes.

If they get three strikes, the question is tossed over to the other team who gets a chance to answer.  If they get one correct answer, they receive points from that round, if not, the points go to the other team.

The next round is played like the first, however, the next person in line comes up from each team to the face-off podium.  The third round is the same however the points are doubled.  In the final round, the point values are tripled.  Each round is played with two brand-new teams pulled from the audience.

For special events, with enough advanced notice, we can utilize your school’s survey questions as part of the show, or the questions could be customized to a particular audience or theme.

Corporate Event? We can do that too! Just let us know when and where!

Campus Feud

“I just wanted to get back to your email and let you know about how the event went. You guys were a pleasure to work with, as was Keith. He was an awesome host, very good with getting the students to get in teams and was very organized. He also went at a great pace, since we did have a larger turn out, he was very good about getting everyone involved and made sure everyone that wanted to play, could. Thank you guys so much for teaming up with us for this event. Have a great weekend. “

— Jerika, Washington State University


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