The Deal is Right
This high-paced, high-energy game show is based on two classic TV game shows. Complete with Karkut’s Kuties, and a few zonks along the way, this show involves the whole audience. Up to fifty students will have a chance to play for a chance to win up to $325.00 in cash and prizes. Examples of prizes include gift cards, DVD player, Roku, portable speaker, coffee maker, a brand new car, and a chance to win cash playing the popular PLINKO Board. These are just a few of the great prizes available with many more up for grabs when the Final Deal is played.
A great set, high-energy, audience friendly host, awesome sound system and high-paced MC make The Deal Is Right the best game show for your programming dollars; a perfect show for any event and any budget. The Deal Is Right is the perfect show inside or outside.