Great Student Leaders Aren’t Born They’re Made

Great Student Leaders

presented by Mike Fritz


Increase student engagement by 25%

This program is Mike’s signature talk that is based on his first collegiate best-seller “Great Student Leaders Aren’t Born They’re Made: How to Lead Yourself, Others and Your Student Organization.”  Mike walks students through his own story of being told by many people growing up he was built to be a leader.  Mike wants every student on your campus to know that leadership is a choice to make a difference, not a title that is handed to them.

This program is loaded with hilarious stories, inspiring content and leaves your students knowing they are a leader when they choose to be no matter what they’ve been told.  But it goes one step further.  You may have students that know they are a leader and are making a difference currently, this program gives them tools on how to impact more people with their message through engaging leadership.

This leadership program has been booked by hundreds of campus and will greatly impact your student leaders.  This program talks about the Motivation, Activation, Dedication and Evaluation of your leaders.  This is a foundational program for every one of your current or aspiring student leaders.

When you book Mike you are entitled to 100 Free Books to give your student leaders and staff ($2000 value)


Mike Fritz

“Mike [Fritz] keeps you engaged…has great content…out of the roof energy and is a wealth of information”

— Sjohonton Fanner, Student Activities Coordinator, Vernon College

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