The Hot Mic Blog
13% of all students experience sexual assault with about half of these assaults involving alcohol consumption by the perpetrator, the victim, or both. Communicating the importance of assault awareness and the related alcohol safety to your students in a thought provoking, meaningful and memorable way is key in the effectiveness of the message.
For 52 years, we have been reserving Earth Day as a day of awareness, education and action towards caring for our home that we call Earth. Usually falling somewhere in between Spring Break and Final Exams, student participation continues to play a huge part and has made an incredible difference from the start of it all in 1970.
Spring is finally here and Neon Entertainment is ready to help with your Spring programming needs! Indoor or outdoor, in-person, virtual or even hybrid, we’ve got you covered!
We bring the party to your campus! For over 20 years Neon Entertainment has provided inspirational musical acts for colleges all around the country. As the pandemic has shifted our world over the last two years, we’ve seen how event planning has evolved, both temporarily and permanently. Despite challenges due to social distancing, virtual events have grown in popularity and people are certainly more used to a virtual event today than they ever were. We
March is a time that we celebrate the incredible influences of women in our world. Neon Entertainment would like to recognize some great female artists that continue to make a difference in today’s society.
Midterms are nearly here, and we know students’ stress levels are rising. Instead of a big event ahead of those midterms that could get your students even antsier, you should consider booking one of our spoken word artists instead. Here at Neon Entertainment, we have loads of live entertainment options available for you to choose from for your college events! We’ve long been the premier purveyors of live entertainers like comedians, musicians and these incredible
Black History Month is here! Are you a school’s event organizer? Celebrate the achievements of African American leaders and remember key events with our customized Trivia Game! Book Black History Trivia today. Neon Entertainment is the top name in the game of virtual and in-person entertainment. We tweaked our engaging and entertaining Total Trivia game show to be entirely geared toward celebrating black history and achievements! From stellar activists to star athletes, Black History Trivia
We hope everyone is enjoying NACA Live 2022 in Kansas City!!! NACA always does such a terrific job of providing an incredible assortment of talent and professionalism. We hope your spring event planning is going well so far, but we always aim to help college event planners in any way we can here on the blog! As a national leader in college event ideas, we provide colleges with experience and customer service that we are
We hope to see you at NACA® Live This February 12th-16th! Neon is a proud participant at practically every NACA® conference, and we always appreciate what a great job NACA® does with promoting all the top showcases and providers of college entertainment. As you may already know, we are a veteran college entertainment booking agency who can provide just about any program or experience that your students could hope for, and a big part of
Neon Entertainment provides live entertainers for college events! We have always been a premier provider of live entertainment, including comedy, music, magic and more, but the pandemic certainly didn’t help live event booking. We were able to navigate and evolve to provide some really engaging virtual programming, and as we are all still getting back on our feet we wanted to remind our readers and users of the outstanding LIVE acts that we have to