
Mind Games Throwback Edition

Mind Games: The Throwback Edition

Paul Ramsay is a board certified hypnotist and certified instructor of hypnotism.  Formerly a high school English teacher and student affairs professional at the University of New Hampshire, Paul saw wonderful opportunities to split his time as a hypnotist between entertainment and personal development.  He debuted a whole new concept for stage hypnotism with “Mind Games” in 2011, creating the first truly interactive stage hypnotism show.

Now, Paul has evolved the concept even further with “Mind Games: The Throwback Edition.”  Like in “Mind Games”, audiences use remote controls to vote on what they want to see happen on stage, but the content of the show is designed to activate their sense of nostalgia and bring back music, characters, and memories from adolescence.  You may have seen stage hypnosis before, but you haven’t seen it like this.

For more, check out the original Mind Games or Paul Ramsay here.

Paul Ramsay

“The show [Mind Games] was fantastic! We couldn’t have asked for anything more. We had probably about 100 students there, and they loved the entire thing. We really can’t thank Paul [Ramsay] enough, and are already starting to think ahead to bringing him back next year!”

— Harry Shafer, Wyoming Seminary

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