Social Distancing Guidelines

Social Distancing Guidelines for Future Events

Neon Entertainment is committed to being a proactive partner in the transition back to on-campus programming, by providing safe events that incorporate best practices of the client’s protocols, as well as those established by local, state, and federal guidelines for group events.

In addition to any specific health-related criteria required at the site of the live program, Neon Entertainment will also help to further minimize health risks by incorporating changes in our procedures as well as our approaches to program logistics.

Below is a partial list of steps that can be taken to adhere to the safety requirements needed for group events.

  • To allow for maximum attendance at live events, artists can provide multiple shows on the same day to allow for smaller audience size requirements.
  • We will require minimal to no volunteer crew from the customer and will strive to make each event self-contained with minimal interaction with your staff/students.
  • For our more popular events such as the Roller Rink and Ice Rink,  we will offer the option of two smaller rinks vs one large rink to decrease crowd density.  Event lengths can also be extended to decrease the crowd density without decreasing the number of participants.
  • We will ensure proper disinfectant practices are used in all programs.
  • We will set proper social distancing areas for our programs in order to have a minimal amount of interaction between artists, our on-site staff, and your audience.
  • We are committed to maintaining maximum flexibility by providing substitute virtual events for our in-person events.

Neon Entertainment is dedicated to the overall event success and will customize any of our events in order to meet our customer’s needs for a safe event.  Our goal is to help make the transition back to live, on-campus programming as smooth as possible and we look forward to working as your partner towards achieving that goal. Our team will continue to monitor safety developments, and with the guidance of best practices from appropriate sources, continue to create plans to allow for a safe and successful event.